Building The Future Of Connectivity
Our Mission
Our Core Values
Stewardship - Be Faithful and diligent with the resources and responsibilities we have.
Respect People - Every person has dignity and worth.
Respect Time - Only take on what we have time for. Over commitment leads to burn-out.
Teamwork - Individual successes matter most when they benefit everyone involved.
Humility - Don’t be arrogant; much of our success is rooted outside ourselves.
Self-Control - Use discretion in all words and conduct. And when we fail we apologize.
Responsibility - Take ownership of fixing the problem rather than place the blame.
Accountability - Do what we say we are going to do and be accountable to our to do’s.
Integrity - Protect the trust that others have placed in us.
Truthfulness - Speak only the truth regardless of circumstances.
Share Success - Share the podium with those who played a part in our success.